“Ethical”, “sustainable” and “ESG” are all terms used that take account of clients’ concerns around making a net positive impact on the world. How do we quantify each term and measure the impact it is having on a client’s portfolio and the world at large?

This session will break down some of the common ethical investing terms and provide a framework to assess and discern between different products as well as players and providers in the space. We’ll point you in the right direction to credible resources that will assist you in the due diligence process to making informed ESG decisions.

CEO, Responsible Investment Association Australasia; Co-Chair, Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative
Association CPD Hours ASIC Knowledge Requirements FASEA CPD Areas Accreditation Number
FPA0.5 Generic Knowledge (0.25 hour) Financial Planning (0.25 hour) General (0.25 hour) Technical competence (0.25 hour)
AIOFP0.5Financial PlanningTechnical CompetenceAFPA21TC2021002
AFA0.33 Technical Competence AFA2021-0003