The role of ESG in reshaping advice in a post-COVID economyRegenerating Australia’s farmland at scale
Ethical Investment Strategies | SRI
With several new funds on the menu, advisers will need to develop bespoke investment strategies that maximise returns and meet SRI requirements.
Discover how you can navigate the complex landscape of ESG ratings and identify greenwashing to provide sound investment advice for clients wishing to invest ethically.
In this session:
- Uncover the framework for ESG classifications and develop screening strategies so you can identify opportunities, manage risk and deliver superior returns
- Discover what new responsible investment exclusions may be on the horizon
- Learn how to navigate the vast variety of data information sources to determine the best options for your client
- Gain insights into global green asset standards and their key characteristics
- Learn how to combine ESG, SRI, impact investing, and conscious capitalism principles to deliver quality financial advice that is in line with your clients’ values
Business Strategy | Green Business Models | Governance
The client of the future is looking to engage with businesses that are authentic, ethical and sustainably minded. In this session, hear from Nigel Stewart, a veteran wealth manager, as we discuss the post-COVID landscape for advice through a global lens. Learn how you can leverage the growing demand for sustainable investment strategies while shaping your practice to be sustainable, profitable and compliant.
Discover your next steps to delivering sustainable advice:
- Discover the education process and find an investment methodology that meets the needs of your clients and your business.
- Learn how you can effectively communicate with and engaging with your clients about sustainability.
- Gain insights to best practices seen globally and the strategies that advisers have employed to build sustainable, high-growth and profitable businesses that are compliant, efficient and servicing a very satisfied client base.
In this session you will discover:
- How degraded Australian soils are being regenerated at scale while offering sustainable and profitable opportunities for investors.
- A deep-dive into carbon sequestration and storage and how the value is being monetised.
- Why agricultural land is a real and attractive alternative asset class.